Casting Blue Culture x Inspired Soul

If there is one color guaranteed to make my heart sing, it’s blue. I love blue deeply and with a passion. Contrary to its association with “blue” moods, blue lifts my spirits, calms my nerves and soothes. Blue is a color that can be both peaceful and calming as well as cold and stand-off-ish. If you’re feeling really stressed out, the color blue can help you feel more relaxed.

Traditionals are evergreen and no matter what cut or design you choose, it automatically enhances the elegance within. Having said that, this particular outfit is one of my most favorite because of the blissful combination of the lushiest and sweetest pink out there. The utmost benefit of living in a country like Bangladesh is, you get your most desired detailed works done so neatly and precisely, because our traditional designs are what makes us stand out.



Inspired Soul by Fatima Gharawi:

2016 was so far the best year of my life and having the honor to work with a phenomenal designer/blogger and a friend who is very close to my heart, Fatima Gharawi made it even special.

Inspired Soul is a Malaysia-based company with Danish-Iraqi origins, who launched their breakthrough innovative hijab solution, the T-Jab™ ; an integration of a T-shirt and a hijab. The brand is a reflection of the cosmopolitan, ambitious and stylish urbanite Muslim women, who have long enough experienced challenges when aiming to dress in a presentable  and professional way, while adhering to her beliefs and perceptions of appropriate modest dressing.

There are times when you spend hours in front of the mirror, being super frustrated, because you simply can’t find the right outfit to cover yourself, yet look stylish and still feel comfortable? Well – You are NOT alone! Inspired Soul have had enough of layering, and accepting limited options when we want to express our own style, be an active member of society and feel unlimited in any occasion with their hijabs.


Being a hybrid girl, of Muslim background, who grew up in the West and was surrounded by many different cultures all the time, the founder, Fatima Gharawi have been inspired by the different cultures reflected on the styles of fashion icons and influencers. Hence the name, Inspired Soul came up, which reflects the personality and soul of the brand.
 Although the modest fashion industry and market have boomed, there were still certain styles that weren’t presented and available for the consumer to purchase and utilize easily. Inspired Soul aims at catering effortless modest fashion solutions.




Make-over / Fatima Gharawi

Blue Kameez / Self Designed

Fatima’s Kimono / Self Designed with piece from Turquoise by Shaina Choudhury

Silk Turban / Inspired Soul

Golden Sling Bag / Michael Kors

Shoes / Fabiano Ricco

Photographed by / Ali Anber

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